Plan a Healthy Holiday to nearest tour

AI News | 10:35 AM | 0 comments

To enjoy your holidays to your heart’s content and not fall prey to sickness, prepare a health check-list based on the place and its climate you are visiting to. Here are some top tips that will help you enjoy a healthy holiday and have loads of fun.

Things to do before leaving

In the first place check the safety of the place you are planning to go. Avoid going, if there are chances of an epidemic.

If you need any vaccinations or immunization, get them done at least five to six weeks before you start.

Do a complete dental and medical check up.

Take the necessary advice from your doctor to combat jet lag.

Carry all your medicines and a first aid kit for fever, cold and cough, diarrhea, upset stomach, vomiting, etc and it is wise to take extra medicines. Do not forget to carry your prescriptions. Carry hand sanitizers and wipes.


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