Importance of Rudraksha Beads

AI News | 11:03 PM | 0 comments

Rudraksha means Eye of the Lord Rudra, who otherwise is Lord Shiva himself. Lord Shiva is referred to as Mighty Rudra, the God with braided hair and Rudra in Sanskrit means ‘Roarer’ or the ‘Fierce One’. Lord Rudra is believed to not only cause disease when angry, but also is believed to remove diseases and illnesses from not just one person, but from entire villages.

The significance of Rudraksha lies in the form of a tiny seed that gives way to many shapes and sizes in differing looks and faces, some Rudraksha seeds with a single face and some with more than a hundred faces. Another important significance is that the name of the seed of the rare Rudraksha tree is named after Lord Shiva or Lord Rudra and called as ‘Rudra-aksha’ which means “Eye of the Lord Rudra”. Ancient scriptures tell that Rudrakasha possess spiritual, religious and medicinal importance. The enormous electro-magnetic waves in life forms is said to be responsible for the amazing powers of Rudraksha.

Ancient Scriptures also reveal that there are over 30 varieties of Rudraksha of which around 21 are eye-catching and attractive. Ek Mukhi Rudraksh bead, the main Rudraksha amongst all, is the rarest of all Rudraksha beads; its round shape is a rarity & it represents Lord Shiva himself. The person who worships or wears Ek Mukhi Rudraksh, earns increased powers of concentration and a healthy mental constitution and gets to enjoy not only all the worldly pleasures but remain unaffected by them. The Rudraksha Mantra for Ek Mukhi Rudraksh is ‘Aum Hreem Namah ||’

Ruled by the Moon, Do Mukhi Rudraksh bead symbolizes the united form of Shiva and Parvati and possesses immense mystical powers and controls the bad effects of Moon. Its wearer not only can lead a sacred and peaceful life, but also gets to maintain marital harmony and earn bountiful riches. The Rudraksha Mantra for Do Mukhi Rudraksh is ‘Aum Shiv Shaktihi Namah ||’.

Also called Saraswati Roopam, Teen Mukhi Rudraksha beads ruled by Mars, contains the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, spanning the entire universe. It’s a symbol of Fire that is round or oval in shape with three lines or faces. One who wears it has all of past sins erased and soul purified and blessed with improved memory and wisdom. The Rudraksha Mantra for Teen Mukhi Rudraksh is ‘Aum Kleem Namah ||’.

Also called Brahma Rupam and Chaturanan, Char Mukhi Rudraksha bead with four equidistant lines from head to bottom, signifies the four faces of Lord Brahma, is ruled by the planet Mercury. Its wearer is blessed with Creativity, positive thinking, wit and intelligence. The Rudraksha Mantra for Char Mukhi Rudraksh is ‘Aum Hreem Namah ||’.

Panch Mukhi Rudraksha Beads symbolizes Panchmukhi Shiva and is ruled by the planet Jupiter. It destroys the five main sins: Kama (Lust), Krodha (Anger), Lobha (Greed), Moha (Attachment) and Ahankar (Unwanted Ego). The wearer is always at peace and blessed with maximum physical and materialistic benefits. The Rudraksha Mantra for Panch Mukhi Rudraksh is ‘Om Namah Shivaya, Aum Hreem Namah ||’.

Ruled by the planet Venus, Chheh Mukhi Rudraksha beads wearer is said to be blessed by Goddess Parvati. The Cheh Mukhi Rudraksha Beads sustains harmonious relationships, tackles emotional traumas and saves its wearer from worldly sorrows.  It also blesses its wearer with fame, success, wisdom, wealth, self-confidence, knowledge and an increase in will power. The Rudraksha Mantra for Chheh Mukhi Rudraksh is ‘Aum Hreem Hum Namah ||.’

Saat Mukhi Rudraksha beads represent Avanta (Shesha Nag), the king of serpents, an incarnation of Lord Shiva. Each of the seven faces represents one great serpent. Its wearer is thus never bothered by snakes. Saat Mukhi Rudraksha beads also represent Goddess Mahalaxmi and are ruled by the planet Saturn. Saat Mukhi Rudraksha beads exhume the malefic effects of Saturn or "Shani". Its wearer is blessed with huge financial gains, good health, fame, peace, freedom from diseases and mental stress. The Rudraksha Mantra for Saat Mukhi Rudraksh is ‘Aum Gurudevaaya Namah ||.’

Aath Mukhi Rudraksha is the reflection of Lord Ganesha. This Rudraksha Beads according to Shaivism tenets helps its wearer for attainment of various "Riddhi" and "Siddhi" that eventually leads the wearer to Moksha or Salvation. The wearer of this Rudraksha bead is blessed with strength of character and mind, wisdom, a long successful life, happiness, good health, prosperity and increase in confidence. The Rudraksha Mantra for Aath Mukhi Rudraksh is ‘Mantra: Aum Ganeshaaya Namah ||.’

Ruled by the planet Ketu, Nau Mukhi Rudraksha is a symbol of Goddess Durga. Its wearer is blessed with enhanced mental sharpness and alertness, increased physical strength, concentration power, patience and control over one's anger and enhanced communication skills. The wearer is also blessed with fearlessness, fame, respect, dynamism, honour and pleasures of family life. The Rudraksha Mantra for Nau Mukhi Rudraksh is ‘Mantra: Aum Navadurgayai Namah ||

Dus Mukhi Rudraksha is a symbol of Lord Vishnu and encompasses all the individual symbols of Lord Vishnu. According to the Srimad Bhagvat Purana, the Dus Mukhi Rudraksha has a strong positive effect on adverse planetary effects, evil power, misfortunes, miseries and worldly sufferings. As per Shiva Purana, an individual, irrespective of caste, creed, religion, nationality and gender can wear the 10 Mukhi Rudraksha for attaining fame and success in career. The wearer of Dus Mukhi Rudraksha Beads attains a sense of security, develops a sound mind, achieves happiness and success and is safeguarded against evil influences. The Rudraksha Mantra for Dus Mukhi Rudraksh is ‘Mantra: Aum Sri Narayanaaya Namah ||.’

Gyarah Mukhi Rudraksha as per Vedic scriptures is the symbol of Ekadash Rudra, the eleven forms of Lord Shiva. Wearer of this Rudraksha Beads is blessed with a healthy & prosperous life, virtues, cleverness, fearlessness, wisdom and happiness. Its also said to grant salvation as the wearer is not born again. The Rudraksha Mantra for Gyarah Mukhi Rudraksha is ‘Mantra: Aum Sri Rudraaya Namah ||.’

Dwadash Mukhi Rudraksha represents Lord Surya or Sun and his twelve virtues. The wearer is blessed with radiance, strength, wealth, authority, protection against accidents, fearlessness, happiness and wisdom. The Rudraksha Mantra for Dwadash Mukhi Rudraksha is ‘Mantra: Aum Kraum Sraum Raum Namah ||.’

Ruled by the planet Venus, Therah Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of Lord Indra and Lord Kamadeva (Cupid). This Rudraksha bead fulfills all earthly desires and helps in attainment of eight siddhis (accomplishments). The wearer is blessed with riches, success, fame, good luck, honor, power of authority, charismatic personality, high level of social and financial status and worldly desires. This Rudraksha bead is also helpful for meditation and spiritual attainment. The Rudraksha Mantra for Therah Mukhi Rudraksha is ‘Mantra: Aum Hreem Namah ||.’

One of the rarest Rudrakshas, Chaudah Mukhi Rudraksha as per the Shiva Purana rules the cosmic world. Ruled by the planet Saturn, this Rudraksha helps counteract the malefic effects of Saturn, imparts fourteen kinds of knowledge and influences every facet of life. The wearer attains spiritual freedom and the virtues of Lord Shiva. The Rudraksha Bead also awakens the sixth sense or intuition power by which the wearer can foresee the future happenings and help the wearer to decide on appropriate action against all calamities, miseries and worries. The Chaudah Mukhi Rudraksha should also be worn by the couple who have no children. The Rudraksha Mantra for Chaudah Mukhi Rudraksha is ‘Mantra: Aum Hreem Namah ||.’

A rare and precious Rudraksha bead, Pandrah Mukhi Rudraksha represents Lord Pashupatinath and is ruled by Rahu. The wearer is never lacking in wealth, inflicted with any skin disease and is blessed with high intuitive powers, increased energy levels, concentration power and memory. It is also beneficial in enabling the wearer getting rid of grief, loneliness, depressions and other problems associated with heart. The Rudraksha Mantra for Pandrah Mukhi Rudraksha is Om Pashupataya Namaha ||.’

Another rare Rudraksha, Solaha Mukhi Rudraksha represents the combined form of Vishnu and Shiva and symbolizes victory. Also called Hari-Shankar Roopam Rudraksha, this Rudraksha is ruled by Ketu and counteracts its bad effects. The wearer is relieved from the fear of death, is never affected by heat or cold and protected from various ailments and diseases. In addition, the wearer is also blessed with prosperity, cordial relations, harmony and love in the family. The house in which Solaha Mukhi Rudraksha is kept is free from fire, theft or robbery and enveloped with positive energy, harmony, peace and prosperity. The Rudraksha Mantra for Solaha Mukhi Rudraksha is Om Namaha Shivaya ||.’

Also called the Sita-Rama Roopam, Satraha Mukhi Rudraksha represents the combined forces of Sita and Rama and Mata Katayani, one of the eight forms of Goddess Durga. It is also a symbol of Lord Vishwakarma (The builder of materialistic world). Termed as a rare Rudraksha bead, the wearer is blessed with the fulfillment of all wishes and earning unexpected money. It also enables the wearer in acquiring property, vehicles and all physical assets and is extremely effective in tackling various sex disorders like Night falls and premature ejaculation. Any woman who wears Satraha Mukhi Rudraksha in their Mangalsutra (Sacred thread tied by husband at the time of marriage) is blessed with whatever she wishes for like good husband, a son, wealth and happiness. The Rudraksha Mantra for Satraha Mukhi Rudraksha is Om Namaha Shivaya ||.’

Also referred to as Bhoomi Rudraksha and Bhairava Roopam, Astadasa Mukhi Rudraksha represents Mother Bhoomi or Earth and is also a representation of Bhairava, form of Lord Shiva. Since it represents Earth, it is ideal for people connected to any kind of trade or work related to earth like dealers of stones, iron ore, gems, builders, architects, property dealers, contractors, architects, farmers, etc. The wearer is blessed with happiness and health, all kinds of fame, success, and fearlessness. It also prevents accidents and the bad effects of planets and also protects against premature delivery in women and guards children against diseases. The Rudraksha Mantra for Astadasa Mukhi Rudraksha is Om Namaha Shivaya ||.’

Unnis Mukhi Rudraksha symbolizes Lord Narayana Himself and is hence also called as Narayana Roopam Rudraksha. The wearer is blessed with fulfillment of all materialistic desires and luxuries in life as well as success, wealth, mental peace, victory and knowledge. There will be no scarcity in the wearer’s life. Furthermore, the wearer will also be blessed with a perfect Life Partner and bestowed with all kinds of Spiritual, Mental & Physical benefits. The Rudraksha Mantra for Unnis Mukhi Rudraksha is Om Narayanaya Namaha ||.’

Bees Mukhi Rudraksha is a rare Rudraksha representing Lord Brahma. The wearer is blessed with improved visual power, great knowledge, mental peace, business success, wealth and acts as a talisman used against the spirits, ghosts, etc. Ancient Vedic texts also reveal that the wearer is bestowed with Spiritual Progress, improved Eyesight and protection from all kinds of evil forces. It is also said to nullify the effect of snake bite if it is worn or held in hands. The Rudraksha Mantra for Bees Mukhi Rudraksha is Om Namaha Shivaya ||.’

Very rare Rudraksha bead, Ekkis Mukhi Rudraksha is represented by Lord Shiva himself and also represents Lord Kubera (God of wealth). According to ancient scriptures, when Ekkis Mukhi Rudraksha is placed in the place of worship, all the gods align themselves around it, resulting in peace, harmony and prosperity to the house and it's members. The wearer is blessed with wealth, health, achievements, prosperity, and increased spiritual knowledge on the path of "Sanatana dharma". Furthermore, the wearer is blessed with fulfillment of pleasures and materialistic desires and freed from all kinds of diseases. This Rudraksha bead helps in opening the third eye chakra which governs awareness and enhances clairvoyance. In short, the wearer will never lack anything in life. The Rudraksha Mantra for Ekkis Mukhi Rudraksha is Om Namaha Shivaya ||.’


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