Google PageRank Update: November 8th 2012

AI News | 9:59 AM | 0 comments

Finally Google launched its much awaited Pagerank Update of November 2012. This was the hottest topic from last 10 days as bloggers were waiting for this Pagerank update as soon as possible. Same as other people I was also very much concerned for this PR update. Google launch PR updates in every 3-4 months and this was the 4th Pagerank Update by Google in year 2012.


What Is Google PageRank?

PageRank is the numeric result ( 1 – 10 ) of a formula that Google uses to calculate how important they feel a page of a website to be.

Google actually calculates this score on a daily basis internally but approximately once a quarter (every four months) they publish this number and it becomes available through the Google Toolbar and other tools that check for it.

A score of zero means that a page on a site has no current rank but is on Google’s radar. A score of N/A means that Google is not yet scoring that page of that site. Zero is where most people start after their first update. 5 is considered quite successful and only a dozen or so sites on the internet have a score of 10 (including Facebook).

PageRank is for a specific page – not the entire site – and usually the home page will out rank all but the most popular pages on the site. This is also why its important to learn how to not dilute the flow of the spiders through the site and instead focus your efforts on your best pages and silo the link juice and correctly use tags and categories.

Does Google PageRank Matter?

The real answer here is that there is often a case of “the chicken and the egg” when it comes to PR. People tend to get hung up stressing over their PR when in fact, if you are growing your site correctly, the PR should come along for the ride. Also sometimes PR scores fall for seemingly arbitrary reasons and the important thing is to stay on course and let them rebound. It is not the “end all, be all” of blogging metrics.
However, PageRank is what Google uses to determine importance (and thus who ranks higher) when two sites are attempting to rank for the same keyword and are generally similar otherwise. The site with the higher PR will usually outrank the site with the lower (though not always). PR is also often a requirement for advertising sales to large companies etc and can impact income for those selling ad space.

What Makes A PageRank Higher?

High quality inbound backlinks.
And some other less important factors.
PageRank is not particularly an indicator of traffic (like alexa) or necessarily even many of the other factors that we as bloggers know are important. However, one of the biggest factors that contributes to PageRank is the presence of large quantities of HIGH QUALITY backlinks.
 So… backlinks impact PageRank and PageRank impacts SEO… thus, backlinks impact SEO!

What Does Google Have To Say About PageRank?

PageRank evaluates two things: how many links there are to a web page from other pages, and the quality of the linking sites. With PageRank, five or six high-quality links from websites such as and would be valued much more highly than twice as many links from less reputable or established sites.
As a rule, Google tries to find pages that are both reputable and relevant. If two pages appear to have roughly the same amount of information matching a given query, we’ll usually try to pick the page that more trusted websites have chosen to link to. Still, we’ll often elevate a page with fewer links or lower PageRank if other signals suggest that the page is more relevant.


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