Make Money with Adsense by Writing awesome content
Adsense is dream of every blogger and they think when
they start making dollars with it. But now a days its become very difficult to
got non hosted Adsense account. Why this happen? This is an important question
toward making money online with Adsense because if have idea then you
know how to work with Adsense but if not then read carefully.

In start of
Adsense,everyone have access to it so people take this
opportunity in a wrong way start working against the Adsense policies so
Adsense need to do some amendments in his program policies which results some
hard condition for bloggers to approve on Adsense and also this cause mass
banning of a number of account in the year of 2010-2011. This is just happen
due our mistakes that we play wrongly with Adsense.
This is a long discussion so move towards our today
topic which is real ways to make money with Adsense. Now as you people know
that Adsense has divided account in two parts, one is hosted and other is non
hosted. If you have non hosted account then you can put it anywhere but if your
are not able to get this due to any reason then just read this post that how
you can still make money with it.
There a number or sites like hubpages which offer
Adsense revenue sharing program so you just have to sign up there and write a
few articles there and then go for Adsense. They will easily approve your
application and allow you to put ads on hosted sites. After getting this you
just puts ads on your hosted articles either on blogspot blog or hubpages or
any other hosted program. This is one way to make money with hosted Adsense
Now the second way is to make money with those site
which offer their own Adsense revenue sharing. There you just need to sign up
and start writing articles and submit there. After approving your articles will
be live on that particular site so now you need to bring traffic on your
articles to generate income for you.
So these are two basic method with which you can make
money online by writing articles on other sites and you don’t need to make your
own blog or sites and this also avoid you from the headache of managing and
doing SEO of your blog which is really a big headache for every blogger.
This is for today so stay tune till the next post and
share this post with your friends for the acknowledgement. If you have any
problem the just share it with. I will try my best to solve your problems.
Category: adsense program, adsense tips, Blogging, Internet Marketing, money earning tips